Advantages of the menstrual cup

If you still do not dare to use the menstrual cup, here we tell you about its advantages over other products.

The menstrual cup is the alternative that thousands of women around the world are opting for. Although at first it was quite unknown, it has gradually gained ground in the market and in the minds of potential buyers who have not yet been encouraged to take the plunge. In this article we tell you some of the advantages that the cup has over other menstrual management products.

It is economical

The menstrual cup has a price that starts between 700 and 800 pesos. What you have to take into account is that the expense is made only once. You will not have to spend a single peso again in the lifetime of your cup. And this time can be up to 10 years, so in the long run you spend much less than with other menstrual management products.

A box of tampons costs around 40 to 50 pesos for 10 to 14 units. Given that you menstruate for about 40 years and imagining that you use one box per period, we would be talking about 480 boxes in your lifetime. The minimum expense would be 19,200 pesos for using tampons. Let's not do the calculation with the cost of sanitary napkins.

Compared to the 2,800 you would spend using a menstrual cup your whole life... it doesn't sound so expensive anymore, does it?

The menstrual cup is environmentally friendly

Between tampons and sanitary napkins, a woman can generate 9600 plastic waste in her lifetime. All of this material is ultimately non-biodegradable. Take into account also tampon applicators, sanitary napkin wrapping, etc. The menstrual cup can last you up to ten years and it is not necessary to use applicators or plastic wrapping.

In addition to the waste generated, tampons and sanitary napkins have a significant impact on the environment because they cannot be recycled. Even disposing of them causes damage, because when they are burned the waste can emit toxic gases.

The menstrual cup, on the other hand, is biodegradable. The medical silicone used in its manufacture can be incinerated and the sand that remains does not have a negative impact on the environment, as it degrades over time without emitting harmful substances or becoming microplastics.

Safer than a tampon

Menstrual cup use has not been associated with any symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome. But with tampons it is a very real risk. The chances of suffering from it become greater when using highly absorbent tampons or when they are left in for more than 4 to 6 hours.

The tampon instructions tell you to choose the lowest absorbency, change it every 8 hours at the most, do not use it between periods and know the warning signs of Toxic Shock Syndrome so that you can go to the doctor if necessary.

On the other hand, the menstrual cup can stay in your body for up to 12 hours without any problem other than blood starting to leak out. With proper hygiene, you can empty your cup as many times as you want and use it again without risk of infection.

Does not interfere with your contraceptives

The menstrual cup is compatible with the IUD. The IUD is placed in the uterus, while the cup is located in the lower part of the vagina. Neither comes into contact with the other. But certain precautions must be taken so that the threads coming out of the IUD and out through the cervix do not interfere or move when inserting and removing the cup.

The use of the cup would not coincide with the use of the contraceptive ring, if you use it at all, because during the 7 days of menstruation you do not wear it. However, if the bleeding lasts more than 7 days, you can use the cup taking care that the contraceptive ring does not move from its place.

In the case of pills, as well as other methods that do not interfere with the inside of the vagina (such as the patch or injections) can be used at the same time as the menstrual cup. There is no danger of the cup coming out or altering the contraceptive effects.

The menstrual cup lets you do many activities

You can sleep with the menstrual cup no matter how much you move, you can toss and turn as much as you want and still the vacuum generated by the cup will prevent the blood from coming out. You can even go to the bathroom without having to take it off. Of course, when defecating you must be careful because if you do a lot of force the vaginal walls contract, causing the cup down a little. It will not come out, but you will probably have to put it back in when you finish.

Any sport will be easy to do and you will feel very comfortable with the cup on. You can also swim and it is much more comfortable than trying to swim with a tampon, let alone a sanitary napkin. You won't have to worry about emptying the cup more often because it won't absorb water from the pool.

Now that you know the advantages of the menstrual cup, we invite you to read our other articles on how to put on the cup or how to clean it, so you can make the best possible decision for you and your body using Mexican products of the highest quality.