When patients first hear about the possibility of using a colostomy pouch, many questions arise. They turn to the internet for answers and find numerous terms that may seem interchangeable. Do they need a colostomy bag or an ileostomy bag? Or is it an ostomy bag? And what is a urostomy all about? In this article we will explain what each term means so you can recognize the differences and make informed decisions about your health.
The ostomy
The word ostomy comes from the Greek word stoma, which means mouth. Medically, an ostomy is an artificial opening that is created in the body by surgery. When this opening is made between the intestines and the abdominal wall it is because it is necessary to allow the passage of urine and feces. After the ostomy the patient will have a stoma, which is the piece of intestine that is left uncovered and through which the body can get rid of urine and feces, which are collected in a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy bag.
There are numerous reasons why a person might need an ostomy: cancer, trauma, inflammatory bowel disease, obstruction, infection, fecal incontinence or diverticular disease.
We can classify ostomies according to the length of time the patient will live with the stoma:
- Temporary: Performed to allow the body to heal after surgery or illness.
- Permanent: Needed when the damage is irreversible.
We can also classify them according to the location of the surgery, which is exactly where the confusion begins, because then we find ourselves with...
- Colostomy
- Ileostomy
- Urostomy
Below we will describe what each one is about.
Colostomy and the colostomy bag
In colostomy, one end of the colon is passed through the opening made during surgery. The colostomy may be on the left side of the abdomen, on the right or even in the center. The location will depend on the part of the colon that is affected and the physician's decision.
Since nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, a colostomy will not affect the way the body processes food. What does change is that the anus is no longer the exit point for stool, it will now be the colostomy pouch, plus the part of the colon beyond the colostomy stops functioning because it is disconnected or even removed.
In ileostomy, the terminal end of the ileum is repositioned through the opening, bypassing the colon, rectum and anus altogether. It will usually be located on the lower right side of the abdomen.
By creating the opening in the small intestine, less water is absorbed from the stool, so the stool coming out of the ileostomy will have a liquid to pasty consistency.
Urostomy is performed to divert urine away from the bladder. This process surgically changes the way urine leaves the body, as the bladder is bypassed or sometimes the bladder is directly removed from the body.
For some people, it is easier to care for a urostomy than to control a bladder that is not functioning properly. This can cause physical damage by irritating the skin, or even psychological damage by not being able to control the flow of urine.
For which of the three do I need a colostomy bag?
Let us remember that an ostomy is an opening that is surgically made to "connect" the inside of the body with the outside. There are three types of ostomies: colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy. The function of all three is to change the way the body eliminates waste. The urostomy bypasses the bladder, while the colostomy and ileostomy bypass the anus, rectum and portions of the large or small intestine.
Since body waste will exit through the stoma, for all three procedures the patient will need a collection bag for stool or urine. Then, depending on the surgery, the patient will need a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy bag.
The needs of each patient will determine the characteristics that his or her pouch should have. In our store it is possible to find from urine collection bags to colostomy bags to suit every need.