Colostomy (4 barriers and 4 pouches)

$ 510.40 
High Quality

Ileostomy and colostomy bag, kit consisting of: 4 plastic bags, transparent, odor-proof, drainable, bottle-shaped, 30 x 15 cm, open at its narrowest part, with wide neck 6 to 9 cm. and length 3.0 to 6.2 cm with hermetic assembly system for the protective plate and that allows inserting an elastic belt, safety clamp with closing mechanism, the inner side of the bag must have a protector that prevents skin irritation. 4 skin protection plates based on sodium carboxymethyl cellulose with adhesive and hermetic assembly ring system of 55 to 70 mm in diameter, with initial hole for the stomach and guide that allows to open it from 25 to 60 mm of diameter of the corresponding assembly ring.

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Ostomy bags

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