After the ostomy comes a difficult process to adapt to the constant use of a colostomy bag attached to the body and the new care that must be taken every day. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to face the lack of empathy and knowledge on the part of society, which in general is very alien to this type of situation. However, once the ostomized person has recovered, it is possible to do many more activities than you think, in this article we will tell you about some of them.
User concerns
Before an ostomy is performed, the person who needs it will face different sources of stress. Starting with the initial diagnosis of their disease, the training for the care of their stoma, the formation of the stoma itself, the use of the colostomy bag, among many others. Not to mention the complications that can sometimes arise after the operation.
Unfortunately in our country most of the ostomized people face the lack of knowledge of what awaits them after the surgery. They suffer a very important change in their body functions that make them feel different from the rest of the people, having a considerable impact on their lifestyle.
The good news is that the ostomy is not an impediment to many activities.
Swimming with your colostomy bag
Before going to the pool or beach, check that the colostomy bag is properly attached to the skin. If it is not, it is necessary to change it for a new one, as it is of utmost importance that everything is in place.
If you use a closed bag and it has a little bit of content, the best thing to do is to change it before diving. Do not forget to wait a while after changing it before entering the water, so you can be sure that it has fully adhered and there are no leaks.
Don't forget to bring everything you need to clean your stoma and change your pouch if necessary. It should be enough according to the time you will be at the beach or pool. As for the clothes you should pack: if you are a little embarrassed if your pouch is too noticeable, you can wear a dark bathing suit, because it is less transparent when it gets wet.
When changing your pouch, be sure to do it in the shade, because your stoma has no pigments to protect it from sunlight, making it extremely sensitive. So do not expose it to direct sunlight. If you are going to apply sunscreen, try to do it after putting the pouch on, because creams can affect adhesion.
Get pregnant
Wearing a colostomy bag does not prevent you from getting pregnant. What must be taken into account is that it is recommended to wait a period of approximately two years after the ostomy to consider getting pregnant.
During the course of pregnancy the belly will grow, as is natural, and the shape of the stoma may change. This is completely normal, so there is no need to worry. Once the pregnancy is over, the stoma will return to its normal appearance.
The delivery can be natural without any problem, but it can also be by cesarean section! It all depends on the type of ostomy you have and the indications of your doctor, to whom you should always go for timely guidance.
Traveling with your colostomy bag
Approximately six months after your surgery so that you are recovered and adapted to the use of your colostomy bag. This way you will be able to better control any unforeseen event, although you can avoid it by starting by carrying enough material for the whole trip. Take with you as much material for cleaning and changing, to better control the temperature to which your equipment is exposed.
Keep in mind that during your trip your eating habits will change, so take medicine for diarrhea and an open bag to make you more comfortable in case you get sick. If you are going to travel by plane, consider that the atmospheric pressure may increase gas, so do not drink carbonated beverages or foods that cause flatulence before boarding.
Research ahead of time where the equipment is sold at your destination and also where you can receive medical attention if necessary. With proper care, you will probably not need to use this information, but you will travel with greater peace of mind if you have it.
Now that you know some activities you can do after your recovery, we hope you feel less uncertain about what happens after an ostomy. Don't forget the importance of using high quality colostomy bagssuch as those offered by IPM.