Starting to use a menstrual cup is an excellent decision for the environment and also for our body. Among so many brands that you can find on the internet, social networks and even at flea markets, it can be difficult to know which one is the best option. Not only talking about the quality, but also about its safety. In this article we will talk about what to look for in a certified menstrual cup.
Why seek certification
When it comes to a product that we are going to introduce into our body, we must make sure that it will not harm us. In Mexico, the menstrual cup is considered a grade 2 medical device. That is, something that is introduced into the body and can remain there for less than 30 days.
In order for a medical device to be sold legally, it needs an authorization that can only be given by the health authority of each country. This authorization allows the processing, use, maintenance, import, export and disposal of the products.
Without this authorization there is no way of knowing if our cup has been correctly manufactured and transported to our hands. Nor is there anything that assures us that the materials are safe for our body. So this authorization, which is given through a sanitary registration, is very important.
The sanitary registration of your menstrual cup
In Mexico, the health authority is the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS). Its objective is to protect the population against health risks caused by the use and consumption of goods, services and health supplies.
In order for a menstrual cup to have a sanitary registration, many documents are needed to demonstrate the quality of the manufacturing processes. It is also necessary to verify that the products are approved in the country where they are manufactured, that there are no contraindications or unresolved problems.
When a cup has a sanitary registration, it is necessary to report every year if there has been any problem with consumers, otherwise it is lost because it is not possible to prove that it is a safe product.
To find out if your cup is authorized by COFEPRIS you have to check the packaging. You should find the name and address of the importer and distributor, as well as the SSA registration, which is the COFEPRIS authorization number.
Certification is used to confirm compliance with defined and standardized norms. Certification bodies are private organizations that assess conformity and certify compliance with a reference standard, whether it is a product, service or management system.
Basically, a certification is the proof that the product has met certain parameters. An example of a certification body is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Through their standards they provide elements for an organization to achieve and maintain higher levels of quality.
One ISO standard that the menstrual cup may have is 13485:2003, which ensures that the brand is tested to international standards. ISO 10993 verifies that the materials are biocompatible. That is, that the body accepts them without generating rejection, allergies or irritation.
Other certifications that menstrual cups may have are the one that shows that it is BPA Free, which indicates that microplastics are not released when the cup is sterilized at high temperatures. We can also find Cruelty Free cups, where the raw materials and the final product were not tested on animals.
How do I know if my menstrual cup is pirated?
According to COFEPRIS, there has been an increase in the number of menstrual cup brands that do not meet the required quality standards. These standards are found in norm 241 of the health authority.
The first indicator that something is wrong with your cup is the price. An original cup can cost between 700 and 900 pesos, while pirated cups can be obtained for 100 pesos. In addition, the packaging does not have the established seals and codes to identify the lot number and manufacturer's information.
As you can see, the sanitary registration is given by the government of each country in order to be able to sell the cup safely in its territory. Certifications are issued by private companies that certify that the materials and manufacturing processes meet certain standards. It is best to always look for cups authorized by COFEPRIS, such as the Weycup certified menstrual cup, which is not only Mexican but is made with the highest quality ingredients and has a sanitary registration.