We are all familiar with basic medical terms. No further explanation is needed when the doctor tells us we have the flu or that we need an X-ray, but what happens when we are told about a colonoscopy? Or that we will need acolostomy bag? That's when things start to get complicated, all these names sound alike! But in this article you will learn the fundamental difference between the two to find out if you need a colostomy bag for your colonoscopy.
Starting with the colon
The word colon finds its origin in the Greek κῶλον (kolon = limb). Today it refers to a part of the large intestine that is responsible for extracting water and salt from solid waste before it is expelled from the body. Together with the cecum and rectum they make up the large intestine.
By the time the food reaches the colon almost all nutrients have been absorbed by the body. Here the last of the water and dietary fiber is extracted. What is left is impregnated with a mucous membrane and intestinal microbiota, which converts this waste into fecal material or stool.
All diseases and conditions affecting this part of the body will most likely begin with "colo" to refer to the colon. From there we have colostomy bag, colitis, colonoscopy, etc. The same will be true when pointing to the location of some item or study, such as when we talk about a colorectal polyp.
The colostomy and its pouch
When there is a problem that causes the colon to not function properly, a colostomy may be used. A colostomy is an opening in the belly through which one end of the colon is passed and a stoma is formed. The colostomy drains stool (feces) from the colon into the colostomy bag through the stoma.
This process may be temporary when the colon simply needs a little time to heal. But sometimes the disease is severe, causing the colon to be unable to heal and requiring the use of a colostomy bag for the rest of a person's life.
Colonoscopy is a test done to detect changes in the colon and rectum. It is performed by inserting a long, flexible tube (colonoscope) into the rectum. The colonoscope is long enough to check the entire length of the colon. It contains a light and a tube that allows the doctor to pump air or carbon dioxide into the tube to inflate it for better examination.
The colonoscope also contains a small camera at the tip. Through it the physician can study the inside of the colon. It is also possible to insert instruments to take tissue samples or remove polyps or other abnormal tissues.
The difference between colostomy and colonoscopy
The colostomy changes the way the body functions by changing the way stool is eliminated, now through a colostomy bag. After the colostomy, the intestines will function as they always have, with the exception of two parts:
- The portion of the colon and rectum found after the colostomy. This portion will have been disconnected or removed.
- The anus is no longer the exit point for stool, although it is normal for some mucus to come out despite having undergone a colostomy.
On the other hand, a colonoscopy usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. It is used to investigate intestinal symptoms, detect colon cancer or look for polyps. So at the end of the procedure there is no alteration in the functioning of the body.
Do you need a colostomy bag for your colonoscopy?
While the confusion is understandable because they share the same root, it is now possible to recognize that the use of "colo" simply refers to the part of the body being treated. This does not mean that all words containing this particle refer to the same procedure.
A colostomy, whether temporary or permanent, changes the way the body functions. Hence, when it is finished, attachments such as a colostomy bag are needed. On the contrary, colonoscopy is a revision that does not generate alterations in the body. Once it is over, the patient can go home without any major problem.
So no, you don't need a colostomy bag for your colonoscopy. But if you have had a colostomy then you will need more than one bag whether it is temporary or permanent. You can find colostomy bags and accessories that best suit your needs in our store.