More and more women are choosing menstrual cups as their intimate hygiene product of choice. It has gradually gained a place in the minds of consumers and is becoming easier to find. However, there are still many women who do not know how it works or where to get it. In this article we will tell you how it works, how safe it is and where to buy the menstrual cup.
How the menstrual cup works
The menstrual cup is a type of menstrual management (or feminine hygiene) product that is reusable. Its name comes from its shape, as it is a small, flexible cup made of silicone. It is inserted into the vagina to collect blood during menstruation, it does not absorb it. You could say that a menstrual cup is like a glass of water, while a tampon works like a sponge.
Your cup can collect more blood than other methods and is reusable. That's why it's an interesting option, not only because of how comfortable it can be, but also because it's an environmentally friendly alternative to tampons or tampon sizes.
Although it is more or less recent to hear about the menstrual cup, already since the late nineteenth century appeared the first accessories that resembled in form or function. But it was not yet their time, because it was a revolution and a change of customs.
It also didn't help that around that time another menstrual management product was patented: the tampon. Not only was it the competition, but it had a whole advertising apparatus that included a documentary produced by Walt Disney.
It was only in our century that the change of mentality allowed the menstrual cup to be rescued as an alternative and numerous brands emerged. Now it is no longer a scandal that a woman is in contact with her body and we are more aware of the waste we generate. That is why the menstrual cup has fully entered the competition among feminine hygiene products.
The cup is safe
The menstrual cupis definitely the safest option for menstrual management. So says research from the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The study was led by Dr. Anna Maria va Eijk. It was supported by researchers from Kenya, India and other universities in the UK and was published in The Lancet.
A total of 436 records were identified, of which 43 were eligible for analysis with 3,319 participants. Fifteen of these studies were from resource-poor countries. Four studies made a direct comparison between fluid leakage using the menstrual cup and using regular products. The result was that leakage when using the cup is less than when using pads or tampons.
In all cases, users had to undergo a familiarization phase lasting several menstrual cycles, but the support of other women increased ease of use. In 13 studies, 73% of participants wanted to continue using the cup at the end of the study.
There was no evidence that the cup had adverse effects on vaginal flora. There were some reports of pain, veginal sores or allergies, but these were minimal. It was also reported that there was displacement of an intrauterine device, but with our advice this is something you don't need to worry about.
When looking at safety, it was determined that using the menstrual cup is not related to abnormalities in the vagina or cervix. The great advantage is that the cup does not absorb, but collects the fluid, respects the balance of the vagina and does not produce the dryness normally associated with other methods of menstrual management.
Where to buy the menstrual cup
Before the menstrual cup became relevant in Mexico, it was difficult to find. In general, it was necessary for a normal person to buy brands manufactured abroad to resell them in our country. But now things are different and easier.
Although you can still find them in bazaars and online, you can now find menstrual cups in specialty stores. You will usually see them in organic and health care focused stores.
You can buy your menstrual cup at the pharmacy, although there is still little variety of brands and products. Businesses like Farmacias Guadalajara sell the menstrual cup as easily as they sell other intimate hygiene products.
Even so, it is best to buy directly from Mexican manufacturers that have their sanitary registration, such as Weycup. This way you are acquiring a local product that complies with all the safety standards of our country.